Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cultural Differences

So my dad the other day asked me about Cultural differences between here and America. So I made Lists. Here They are.
- Wearing flip flops anywhere but the shower.
- Letting my dog in the house.
- Not putting 6 tbsp of sugar into my chai (although the amount I put in has dramatically increased in the last 6 months)
- Reading books for fun.
- Showering only one time a day.
- Not mopping my floor every day.
- Planning more than 1 day ahead.
- Not hitting my dog.
- Enjoying some alone time.
- Not drinking chai every morning.\
- Going for walks just for the hell of it.
- Being a woman and having a house to myself.
- Not going to church every week, plus additional prayer sessions 3 days a week.

- Eating with my hands in public if I can't find a spoon.
- Wearing dresses with either butterflies, or chicken (yes, I've seen chicken print vitenge), or flower print.
- Eating sardines (dagaa) on a regular basis.
- Drinking water that runs off of my roof.

There's definitely more, but I can't think of them right now.

Things here are going well. I have a school break starting in two weeks and I am very excited. I'm am EXHAUSTED. Like in America, I am very good at making my schedule just a bit too busy. But I love it. So it's OK. Over break, after the girl's conference, I am going to Kenya we my friend who is a PCV in Mali! I am really excited. Especially to see Scotty.

The other day I went to visit a friend for the day. It's been pouring rain here for the last week, so I left the dog inside. I was gone for probably 7 hours. When I came home, my Doxycycline bottle was on the floor with pills EVERYWHERE! So, of course, I had a bit of a panic attack. When I take one of those pills, I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I had NO IDEA how many Orion took. So I called everyone I knew that would have any idea about what to do if your dog ODs on malaria meds. In the end, there wasn't a lot I could do. But good news: he's fine. And he's as much of a trouble maker as always! I'm trying to upload photos of him right now on Facebook but seeing that I've been trying for the last 20 minutes, I'm not too hopeful. Sorry.

Alright. Hope all is well back home!


  1. Hi,Katie
    Nice blog. I was born and raised in Dar es salaam and now live and work in Boston. I completely agree with the cultural difference. I had hard time adjusting to American way of life when I first came to the US. I am so proud of what you are doing in my country. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Katie it's Brian, not sure if you could tell because i had to use my AIM screen name to post here. I enjoyed reading this post! I totally frowned hearing people hit their dogs and don't let them inside though. :( Oh and eating with your hands isn't that weird i do it all the time :D
